Artificial Turf
NEW IDEAS - putting green artificial turf.
Artificial Turf is not just for Sports fields anymore! Consider it a Landscape alternative for areas in the yard that have difficulty growing grass such as under large trees or play sets. Eliminating a major expense such as watering and maintaining a lawn, it is a unique opportunity that pays for itself. Why not consider utilizing that unused area of your backyard, and install a Custom Putting Green? Perfect for those Sunday afternoons at home! Call to discuss your options with our Designers today!
Artificial Turf is not just for Sports fields anymore! Consider it a Landscape alternative for areas in the yard that have difficulty growing grass such as under large trees or play sets. Eliminating a major expense such as watering and maintaining a lawn, it is a unique opportunity that pays for itself. Why not consider utilizing that unused area of your backyard, and install a Custom Putting Green? Perfect for those Sunday afternoons at home! Call to discuss your options with our Designers today!
To learn more about our services or to speak with a representative, please contact us.
Sales and Support
(905) 888-5084
1843 Bethesda Side Road
Richmond Hill ON L4E 1A2 |